
Blake Monar

Statum Style

Meet Blake Monar, The former minor league pitcher who has taken his stand firm (Statum) mentality from the back roads of Indiana to the open roads of the West Coast, where he’s currently slinging hair care and grooming products instead of breaking balls.



LL – What’s awesome in your life right now?

BM – The boring answer, but the realistic answer is everything.  I have an amazingly supportive family, a small group of good friends that push me to be the best I can be, and my health.  All of those play a crucial role in building the Statum brand, and I couldn’t be having more fun.

LL – What are you reading/watching/listening to right now that everyone needs to know about?

BM – I just finished the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” which I loved, as well as regularly switching between the philosophy podcast “The Partially Examined Life,” Tim Ferriss’s “The Four Hour Work Week,” Harvard Business Review Idea Cast on Spotify and many more.  I’ve taken a liking to minimalism, stoic philosophy and overall self-development.  I think all of those are kind of my life playbook right now.

LL – How would you describe your personal style?

BM – Edgy simplicity in 90% black.  I opt for vintage style tees over flashy modern brands. Boots or chucks over dress shoes and loafers. Personally, the idea of a “Supreme” branded tee to align myself with a group of people is mind boggling.  Paying 100 bucks to be like someone else? I’ll pass.

“People always think they know what’s best for you, most of them already jaded in their own lives and relationships. Misery loves company if you will.  It’s OK to be misunderstood. It’s also OK to fail.”

LL – What’s the story behind your favorite piece/article in your wardrobe?

BM – My favorite article has to be my hand-altered Statum tees.  I will buy vintage style tees and alter them to my taste.  Usually that’s with a mineral wash, sandpaper, scooped neck, and unhemmed sleeves and tail. I feel more like myself in something I created instead of purchased.  However, I have a few good thrift store denim and tee finds that are staples for sure!

LL – What do you enjoy most about your craft?

BM – I love branding.  I have virtually 100% control over the direction of Statum Style’s branding as well as product development.  That is fun for me. I like to study the market and styles and find out what people need, then carefully design products that fit those voids in our product line.

“I will buy the vintage style tees and alter them to my taste.  Usually that’s with a mineral wash, sandpaper, scooped neck, and unhemmed sleeves and tail.”

“I feel more like myself in something I created instead of purchased.  However, I have a few good thrift store denim and tee finds that are staples for sure!”

LL – How do you feel you inspire others through your work?

BM – I simply try and do my best to let every single customer know how much I appreciate their purchase.  That might be through a handwritten letter to our loyal customers, or a message containing a discount code for our social media followers. Small things like these I really appreciate personally, so I do my best to reciprocate.

We recently did the hairdressing for Tim Tebow’s “Night to Shine Special Needs Prom,” and are currently working on donating equipment for Special Olympics softball team in Indianapolis.  Small time or monetary donations like these are much more fulfilling than any amount of sales for me.  It creates fulfillment and purpose in my life.  So I’d say I hope that maybe the culmination of those small gestures could inspire someone else to give or show appreciation in their own lives.

LL – What is a source of inspiration you draw from to do what you do and be who you are?

BM – I try to get inspired to be myself by myself and the things I do.  I know that sounds weird but I’m not sure anything can make me who I am more than the actions I repeatedly make.  I’m inspired by self-investment and taking inventory daily. I think being alone in my thoughts tells me the most about myself.  You cannot fool yourself.  If you took a shortcut or lacked discipline that day others may not notice, but you can’t fool your own mind. I want to be proud of myself and the things I do.  When I’m not proud, I know change has to happen.  And none of that comes from anywhere externally.

“I simply try and do my best to let every single customer know how much I appreciate their purchase.  That might be through a handwritten letter to our loyal customers, or a message containing a discount code for our social media followers.”

“People will often go 100K in student loan debt to learn a craft, but chastise someone who spent 10K on a failed business venture. I’d be willing to guess which of these people learned and grew more.”

LL – Where is your next travel destination? Why there?

BM – Admittedly, I have no travel plans besides back to Indiana for tattoos and to check on our Indiana and Kentucky stylists.  I just “hermit up” with copious amounts of coffee, a book, and podcast access! Travel into my mind per se.

LL – What’s an off-the-clock hobby you have, and how do you feel it adds balance to your life?

BM – That is definitely fitness for me.  Exercise is my most useful form of mediation and de-stressing. It allows me to test the limits of my mind and body all while improving myself.

LL – What’s something you’ve learned in your life thus far that you want to share with others?

BM – I think that would have to be not listening to everyone’s advice.  People always think they know what’s best for you, most of them already jaded in their own lives and relationships. Misery loves company if you will.  It’s OK to be misunderstood. It’s also OK to fail.  People will often go 100K in student loan debt to learn a craft, but chastise someone who spent 10K on a failed business venture. I’d be willing to guess which of these people learned and grew more.

LL – What’s one of your must have phone or tablet apps, and why should everyone be using it?

BM – Hmmm.  I’d have to say Headspace.  It helps teach meditative techniques that almost anyone can benefit from.

Luvet Lifestyle


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